Collaborative and Proactive Solutions

When you have a child or teenager with behaviours of concern it can be hard to know what to do. While we also recommend a Positive Behaviour Support Plan (PBSP), another good thing to do is to learn Collaborative and Proactive Solutions. Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (CPS) is an innovative, evidence-based treatment designed for families of behaviourally challenging kids and teenagers who want to explore an alternative to traditional parent management training.  CPS was developed by Dr Ross Greene at the Harvard Medical School, and has been widely used and successful in Canada and the United States.

Below is a link to a short course by Lives in the Balance that teaches you the basics of Collaborative and Proactive Solutions. It consists of 3 steps and 11 videos, which dive into questioning your beliefs on why and your child exhibits the behaviour of concern, identifying the skills that your child is lacking and the specific expectations they’re having difficulty meeting, and how to solve your child’s unsolved problems.

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