Footsteps Community Services - Therapy and Disability Support in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Logan, and Ipswich

Positive Behaviour Support

Footsteps’ Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) team works with clients to develop individualised PBS Plans aimed at improving quality of life. Our individualised PBS services focus on supporting autonomy, dignity and social inclusion. Our approach involves creating an environment that supports positive behaviour, teaching new skills to replace behaviours of concern, and using reinforcement to encourage positive behaviour.

We believe that every behaviour has a purpose or reason and is not meaningless or random. Our PBS team emphasises understanding the reasons behind behaviours of concern and using positive strategies to address those reasons.

We work with our clients to complete Functional Behaviour Assessments (FBA), WHODAS, HONAS, and Biopsychosocial assessments, and determine if PBSP funding is available and at what level. We are also able to support you in gaining access to NDIS funding for PBS services.

Footsteps Community Services works with children, young people and adults of all ages, diagnosed conditions, cultures and backgrounds.

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